Spring clean your home before selling - Marina Rigenco | $ |

Spring is a popular season for selling properties. There is something about the longer days and warmer weather that gives people a more positive outlook. When optimism is in the air, it's certainly time to make the most of it. That said, the winter months have a way of taking their toll on any home. If you want to attract buyers and get the best price for your property, it's important to do some spring cleaning and possible damage control while you're at it. The right first impression can make all the difference, after all.


Clear the clutter

The first step you should take is go through each and every room to check for dirt, grime, and clutter. We have a habit of accumulating plenty of things that we think we will need but we end up forgetting all about them in just a few short weeks. Remember, it's not just about your bedrooms, kitchen, living room, and areas that are most often frequented. More often than not, your attic, basement, and garage are the most cluttered of all. This clutter makes your home look dirty, neglected, and it also looks smaller than it really is. Once everything is cleared out and packed neatly, any visitors will have a clearer view and understanding of the size and design of the house.

Complete clean

This should go without saying, but there are certain areas that are often ignored. Cleaning your home is not just about wiping away the dust and vacuuming the floors. It's important to make sure that your home is clean from top to bottom. You can choose to do it yourself or you can hire a professional cleaning company. These companies come in, clean every room, and you don't have to lift a finger. Of course, if you have delicate ornaments or you simply don't like the idea of strangers cleaning your house, then it's good to opt for the DIY approach. When dusting, make sure that you move and dust everything. While you are at it, you can continue with your decluttering. In other words, pack extra photos and sentimental items away in marked boxes. These boxes can then be stored somewhere they won't be seen like under the bed, in the attic, or in a corner of your basement. Move any furniture that can be moved and check for mildew or mold. It's essential that you clean mold or potential buyers will notice that smell.

Air your home

Fresh air is essential in any home. If you are cleaning and using strong chemicals (like those used to get rid of mildew), you should make sure that your home is properly ventilated. You don't want the room to smell like bleach when buyers come around. Essential oils can also help give your home a fresh smell once you are done cleaning. Citrus, vanilla, and just about any fruity aroma works well. Don't overdo it though! You want the scent to be subtle – not overpowering.

Consider painting

If any of the walls in your home look particularly grubby, you might want to consider applying a fresh coat of paint. Some of the most common spots where you will find dirt include areas around power outlets, light switches, and the walls around any staircases. A quick touch up paint can give your home a brand new look and buyers will notice that you have indeed taken care of your property.

Exterior maintenance

cleaning-homeSince it is spring and all that snow has melted, it's time to inspect your garden and the exterior of your home. Things like gutters and drainpipes should be checked as well as your roof. If anything poses a risk, like loose or broken wood on your deck, it should be tended to right away. A tidy garden will give your home more curb appeal and it will give potential buyers a positive impression from the start. If you have a swimming pool, make sure that it is clean and looking its best. Swimming pools can be expensive to repair, which is why you don't want to create the impression that it has not been maintained. If you have any dogs, scour the yard for any hidden “presents” that could upset interested buyers. The snow has a way of hiding the least attractive things in your garden which is why it's so important to do some recon before calling your realtor.

Quick touch up

The good news is that, once your home looks good, you can maintain it with ease! Simply dust, vacuum, and wash the floors regularly. Clean the windows regularly and make sure that you don't allow clutter to build up again. Keep an eye on areas where mildew was a problem and clean it up right away.

With a perfectly cleaned home, the next thing you need is an expert realtor by your side. Call Marina Rigenco at (647) 834-2292 to get your home listed today!

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