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Sell your home faster with proper staging | $ |

When you decide that it's time to sell your home, you want to make the best impression on potential buyers. By properly staging your home, you help them imagine what life would be like if they decide to purchase your property. Here are some excellent tips for staging your home so that you can speed up the selling price.

Clean the clutter

The first project that needs to be addressed is the matter of clutter. You might love having all of your personal and sentimental items on display, but it can make your home look cramped, small, and even undesirable. Considering the fact that you are selling your home anyway, you might as well get a head start on the packing. Get some boxes ready and pack away anything that you don't necessarily need. You can leave a few decorative items out if they will help you stage the room. A handful of personal or decorative items in your home can make your living space warm and welcoming. If you remove everything, you could end up making your home feel cold and uninviting.

Decorative changes  canstockphoto25222874

Sometimes moving something as simple as a chair or a painting from one room to another can make all the difference. For example, if you have a large entrance hall, you can make it more welcoming by adding a chair beside the entrance hall table. Add a mirror or picture to compliment the décor in this room.

Moving furniture

Unlike fixtures, the furniture in your home can easily be moved around according to your needs and preferences. While many people believe that you can create the most amount of space by positioning the sofas against the walls. This can often prove counterproductive, and the room can benefit more if the furniture is properly arranged in the center of the room instead. Your furniture can be used to define the borders of the room or separate areas like the dining area from the living room.

Suitable lighting

Lighting is used in various settings to improve the atmosphere and create various moods. There are three types of lighting that each room should have. Ambient lighting is also known as overhead lighting. Task lighting can be found in the form of lamps while wall lighting is also called accent lighting.


Neutral colors are great if you're going to a sophisticated and understated design. Darker colors can make a larger room appear cozier. Rooms that are particularly small are best decorated with light colors or they could make potential buyers feel claustrophobic. Of course, there are other instances where light and dark can work together in the same room to create the most beautiful contrast without making the room seem too large or too small. Think about how the colors of your furniture will look against the color of the walls and other decorative accents.

Re-purposing rooms

Sometimes there are parts of your home that lose their purpose, or they become corners where we store anything we don't have all that much use for. These rooms should be cleaned out and put to good use so that potential buyers can see the full benefits and potential of your property.

Bedroom and bathroom

Make your bedroom more inviting by using the right colors, plenty of cushions, and other elements that encourage relaxation. When you think of décor, it's best to think of luxury guest house rather than a cheap hotel room. Your bathrooms should also be welcoming to any visitors. Again, think about how a bathroom in a guesthouse would look with guest towels all set out along with decorative soaps, and other bathroom necessities.

Welcoming accessories

Just as you would accessorize with jewelry, so too can you add accessories to your home. Fresh flowers in a vase, potted plants, snacks, and beverages, are all great for setting the scene and making potential buyers feel welcome and at home.


Don't forget to resolve any unfinished business. If you have a room that needs repainting, or any other defects like scuffed floors, or broken banisters need fixing, now is the time to do just that. This goes beyond staging since any problems will make buyers think twice.

When it comes to selling your Toronto home, make sure that you have a skilled professional on your side. Call Marina Rigenco at (647) 834-2292  to get your property listed today!

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