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Benefits of using a real estate agent to rent your property | $ |

Renting out your property is a fantastic way of supplementing your income. In fact, many people invest in additional houses, apartments, and condos for this exact reason. Of course, finding the perfect tenant is often easier said than done. Here are some great reasons to choose a qualified and experienced estate agent to rent your Toronto home.

Tenant screening

While many people might think that the tenant holds all the cards, or most of them at least, it's always important to understand that it really is a two-way street. Property owners have the final say when it comes to accepting or declining their application. Instead of screening each applicant yourself, you can leave this to your trusty estate agent. Not only are the great judges of character, but they will also take the time to check their references and financial records. Both of which are important for ensuring a great relationship between landlord and tenant.

kid-with-a-house 1149-654Large database

If you advertise your place yourself, you will need to wait for potential tenants to contact you. This can be a long and tedious process. You never know how many people will see your advert in the paper or online no matter how many times you refresh your listing. Estate agents are contacted every day by people in search of the perfect home. Those who don't find a suitable place immediately will remain on the estate agent's books for future reference. This means that they already have a list of potential tenants to show your property. This increases the chances of renting your place out that much faster.

Contract drafting

Another crucial part of renting out any property is drafting all the necessary documentation. A rental agreement needs to be properly worded as well as any additional documents. The proper wording of these documents protects the property owner as well as the tenant. Instead of drafting a potentially erroneous agreement, you can leave it all up to your rental agent! Not only do estate agents have all the necessary documents all ready and waiting, but they also stay up to date with any new regulations and laws. 

Save time

Last, but certainly not least, an experienced agent will save you plenty of time and energy! Instead of fielding all those incoming calls and running yourself ragged to accommodate all the viewings, you can let your realtor take care of it all. All you need to do is make sure that your property is available for viewings and the agent will take care of the rest!

With all of these benefits, it's easy to understand why so many property owners choose to list their homes with reputable realtors. Getting as much exposure as possible as well as a professional in your corner ensures best results. Considering the increasingly competitive nature of the real estate industry in Toronto, it makes even more sense to list your property with an experienced agent. For professional assistance from experts, you can trust, call Marina Rigenco on (647) 834-2292 for all your GTA rental needs.

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