Steps to buying a home in Toronto | $ |

Buying a home can be an overwhelming task, especially when it's your first time. With over 15 years of experience, Toronto real estate agent Marina Rigenco can make the process much easier. This post starts by breaking it down step by step to help you understand it more fully.

Step One: Get pre-approved for a mortgage

Before you can make any real decisions about what kind of home you're going to purchase, you need to know what kind of mortgage you'll be able to get. Knowing exactly how much money you have to work with will make finding a good home much easier.

To get pre-approved you need to compile your financial documents, including proof of income and credit history, and send them to either a mortgage agent(whose job is to send them to several financial institutions) or directly to the financial institution of your choice. Applying for a mortgage might seem terrifying, but it's not—people do it every day, and you can choose a payment plan that works for you.

Step Two: Hire a real estate agent

You probably already have a pretty good idea of what you're looking for in a home. A good agent can give you a realistic idea of what you'll be able to afford and help you find the best deal possible. Working together to create a master list of what you need in a home, followed by what you want in a home, gives you both an idea what to look for and helps streamline the rest of the process.

Around this time you'll also want to find a lawyer to help you look over potential contracts. A real estate agent knows a lot about purchasing homes, but nothing can replace legal advice from a qualified lawyer who specializes in real estate law.

Step Three: Get hunting

It's time to go home hunting! You can take a look at Sales or drive through your favourite neighbourhoods to find houses for sale. While you're doing that, your agent will also be finding homes that match your criteria. Of course you'll want to visit every house on the list and consider all your options.

Be polite when visiting potential new homes, as the people you're purchasing them from live there. Respect that it's their house—for now—and be courteous and you'll find negotiations much easier.

Step Four: Make an offer

This is pretty straight forward. Make an offer on your favourite home that's within your price range and sign a contract detailing conditions of the sale. Wait to hear back from the home owner.

Step Five: Close the deal

Once your offer is accepted, you'll pay a 5% deposit, meet any conditions detailed in the contract, pay up and close the deal. You'll need some help from your lawyer to properly transfer the property, but you're almost ready to move into your new home.

Feeling better about buying a home? Call real estate agent Marina Rigenco today at 647-834-2292 to get started.

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